Welcome to www.happymakinggames.com!

Happymakinggames believes that games should just be about pure childish fun! We think that whenever you are playing a game you should have a big-arse grin plastered across your face, and every time something new appears you sit back amazed and want to play with the new thing for a while! ;)

Happymakinggames is a platform agnostic game development company that aims to create fun games, not concentrating on the latest technology, but on playability instead. Our products are created using standards that are available on all our target platforms, resulting in cross-platform availability of our products on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

Check here regularly for information about our products, share in bits of our code, to read about some of our experiences in various personal logs, and to read articles produced by ourselves and our affiliate sites.

Enjoy a visit to our past, or perhaps a look at some downloads totally unrelated to games...
